Voicetrainer Blog

Vocal Fold Paralysis for Google Executive

Posted on May 21, 2013 in Body and Voice



Larry Page of Google recently addressed his longstanding voice difficulties, attributing them to vocal fold paralysis.  You can read his story here: http://goo.gl/JnynH.  

The vocal folds themselves are muscles, which receive electrical signals from the nerves directing them how to move.  When there is injury to the nerve, weakness can impair movement of the vocal folds.  Trauma is the most common cause for vocal fold paralysis, however a large number of cases remain idiopathic, meaning without a known cause, even following extensive evaluation.  In adults, paralysis of one vocal fold is more common than both vocal folds.

If the nerve to the vocal fold is going to recover on its own, it can take upwards of 12 months.  Treatment decisions are made based upon the impact to breathing, swallowing, and voice.  Treatment may include monitoring; procedures that reposition the vocal folds closer to one another for improved vocal fold function; and voice therapy to strengthen the voice, minimize strain, and optimize voice function as provided here at Voicetrainer, LLC.  Consult with your doctor if voice changes persist beyond 2 weeks. 

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